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Traduction en français:
Groupe de réflexion de la technologie et du processus

Chair: Reed Munro, Clark Builders
Co-Chair: Mike Nelson, mcfarlane biggar architects + designers inc.

What is the driving purpose for the Technology & Process Think Tank?

“Keeping CanBIM on the bleeding edge”. The TP Think Tank’s driving purpose is to continuously follow, understand, and promote all technology that has the potential to impact CanBIM and all AECOO industry members. Our Think Tank has many subject matter experts that are leaders in fields that help our group shape new ideas and report on new trends emerging every day. The TP Think Tank will always have their finger on the pulse of technology and innovation.

What immediate industry challenges is your Think Tank currently addressing?

The global pandemic has been the accelerant for the momentum of distributed BIM teams. Communication and reporting platform options for BIM team members are plentiful and contain numerous options with different disciplines often using differing platforms and methods. Understanding all of these platforms and their value is a challenge for industry members and one the TP Think Tank will address.

What needs to happen for your Think Tank to address these challenges?

A willingness of TP Think Tank members to share successes and failures of both internal and external communication and reporting methods and a commitment to engage in the analysis, discussion and presentation of our Think Tank’s findings. We encourage all CanBIM Members to engage with the TP Think Tank by delivering your technology challenges to us so we can better understand all the technology challenges faced by CanBIM Members. If you want to help address these challenges please consider joining the TP Think Tank today.

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